1st Annual Norwalk 5K Run

  • 06.02.2024 @ 07:00 AM
  • Norwalk, California
Event Closed
The event director has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
06 .02 .2024
starts at 07 :00 AM
ends at 11 :00 AM
Contact Details
Contact Person:
Contact Number:
Contact Email:
Contact Website:
Team Registration Style
Please select a method of registration below:
   Join a Team: Pick from a list of team names on the next page and join your team.
   Create a Team: Once you create a team, participants can join your team under the "join a team" option above.
   Individual Registration: Register as an individual participant.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE I (Participant’s Name - If Participant is a minor, include name of parent or guardian here _____________________________), and parent or guardian if applicable, hereby expressly and irrevocably consent to minor’s participation, and all uses of “I” or “me” herein are made on behalf of both the minor and the parent or guardian, fully understand that my participation in the _______________________________________________ (“Activity”) exposes me to any and all risks, both known and unknown, of personal injury, death, or property damage that result while participating in the Activity however caused, even if caused in whole or in part by the action, inaction or negligence of the City of Norwalk (“City”), including the Contracted Instructor and the City’s officers, agents, employees, contractors, and volunteers (collectively referred to as “Released Parties”). Such risks include, but are not limited to, contraction of the COVID-19 virus and physical and/or emotional injuries and/or death caused by contraction of the COVID-19 virus. The risks assumed also include those inherent in the Activity offered by the Released Parties. I understand that there are risks inherent in such Activity and hereby acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in this Activity and agree to assume any such risks. In consideration of being permitted to participate in this Activity, I hereby expressly release, discharge, and agree for myself, my heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns not to sue any of the Released Parties for any and all claims, suits or demands for personal injury, death, property damage or other loss against the Released Parties, and each of them, arising out of, or in connection with, my participation in the Activity from whatever cause. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this waiver is intended to be a complete release of the Released Parties for any and all responsibility for personal injuries, property damage or death sustained by me or others from participation in the Activity whether arising out of or resulting from, including but not limited to, participation in the Activity. I further agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties, and each of them, including attorney’s fees and costs, from any and all claims, demands, actions, or suits arising out of, or in connection with, or relating in any way to my participation in the Activity. In case of accident or other emergency, I hereby authorize personnel or volunteers of the City of Norwalk or agents of the City to secure medical care deemed necessary as a result of accident or injury to me. In the event of illness or injury, I hereby consent to whatever x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical, or dental diagnosis, or treatment and hospital care considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician, surgeon, or dentist, and performed by or under the supervision of a member of the medical staff or the hospital furnishing medical or dental services. I also permit the use of activity/event photography and/or video of my child or myself for media promotion. I READ AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE, AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY, THAT PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY IS STRICTLY VOLUNTARY, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY IT. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. SecureFee™ Registration Cancellation Insurance is offered in most states. If purchased, your registration may be covered for one of the covered reasons stated in the policy.